Support Small Businesses While Enjoy the Holiday Season in Falls City
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Local, small businesses help to define the character of our community. They are destinations where we purchase anniversary gifts, take our children to celebrate a team win, and purchase a unique gift to celebrate our best friend’s birthday. They are destinations because they bring us joy, just as much as they take care of our needs. Local holiday events, including Small Business Saturday, create an opportunity for us to support these businesses that make our lives just a little bit richer.
Why Shop Local?
Downtown Falls City is a beautiful place and local business owners make it even more special. Shopping downtown is an enjoyable experience - especially around Christmas. Still, there are even greater benefits to spending your shopping dollars locally and it comes down to the ability to impact our local economy in a positive way.
Research conducted by American Express and the National Federation of Independent Business shows that supporting small businesses is one of the best ways to spur local economic growth. In fact, every ten jobs at a small business, supports an additional seven jobs within the community. By shopping and dining at local small businesses, community members create a need for them to hire additional employees – something that in turn, supports the creation of more local jobs. The ripple effect is significant and so is the power community members have to drive economic growth.
Holiday Shopping Events in Falls City
The big event is Small Business Saturday on November 30th. The night before is an excellent time to bring the family downtown. The ‘Home for the Holidays’ event signals Santa’s big arrival in Falls City. Come join us on November 29th for an old fashioned Christmas in downtown Falls City with horse drawn sleigh rides, carolers, and the arrival of Santa! A small town atmosphere sets the mood for remembering Christmas like it was in the olden days - the perfect place to make magical family memories.
Then, on November 30th, join us for Small Business Saturday in Falls City. Downtown shops and restaurants will be getting in on the fun with special activities and promotions. The day will be filled with extra festive in store deals, activities and a special appearance by the Grinch! Falls City Main Street made the following announcement, “We are excited to announce our 2019 Shop Local promotion! Instead of passports, we'll be having shoppers fill punch cards to be entered to win lots of gift cards and a GRAND PRIZE of $500 Chamber Bucks!!”
Have Fun and Help Our Community Grow
Grab your friends and head to downtown Falls City on November 29th and 30th. Kick off your holiday season with some hometown, old fashioned Christmas fun, and then remember - you have the power to positively contribute to growth within Falls City. Keep your shopping dollars local and support business and job growth within our community!
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