Boards and Commissions
Falls City, Nebraska is a welcoming community full of caring and passionate people. Our residents have opportunities to make an indelible impact on Falls City, and many have. Take, for example, Don Baldwin and his family - people responsible for transforming the landscape of our community. Under Don’s leadership, over 200 trees were planted throughout the city. His is one of many examples of people coming together in Falls City to make our community an even better place to live. We invite you to join them by becoming a community or city volunteer.
There are several boards, committees, and commissions that Falls City residents may apply for. Both the City Council and Board of Public Works receive compensation for their services while the remaining boards and commissions are unpaid, volunteer commitments that last from one to five years, depending on the board or commission’s bylaws. View the list below, download an application, and read the Falls City code for more details.
For board meeting minutes and agendas, select the desired board or commission below.
Boards and Committees
Airport Authority Board
The Airport Authority Board shall have the full and exclusive jurisdiction and control over all facilities owned or hereafter acquired by the Municipality for the purpose of aviation operation, air navigation, and air safety operation. The Board is a body corporate and politic, constituting a public corporation, and an agency of the Municipality. The Board shall consist of five (5) members. Members of the Board shall be nominated and elected in the manner provided by law for the election of other elected officials and shall take office on the first (1st) Tuesday in December of each Municipal election year. Members of the Board shall be residents of the Municipality and shall serve a term of six (6) years. Two (2) members of the Board shall be elected in each Municipal election year; Provided that in each third (3rd) election year, one (1) member only shall be elected to the Airport Authority Board. Any vacancy on the Board resulting from any other Commissions and Boards cause than the expiration of a term of office, shall be filled by temporary appointment by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, until a successor can be elected at the next general Municipal election to serve the unexpired portion of the term. A member of the Board may be removed from office for incompetence, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. An action for the removal of such officers may be brought, upon resolution of the City Council, in the District Court of the County. The Board shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by State law. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Airport Authority Board Members
Dave Mullins
Falls City NE 68355
Brandon Keithley
Falls City NE 68355
Edward O’Grady
Falls City NE 68355
Lauren Bierman
Falls City NE 68355
Nick Aitken
Falls City NE 68355
The Airport Authority Board has the full and exclusive jurisdiction and control over all facilities owned or acquired by the City of Falls City for the purpose of aviation operation, air navigation, and air safety operation.
Through December – 6 Year Term
Animal Control Review Board
Animal Control Review Board Members
Jamie Baker, Chief
Falls City NE 68355
Work: 402.245.2707
Danielle Cromer, Veterinary
Falls City NE 68355
Work: 402.245.4438
Julie Phroper, Humane Society
Falls City NE 68355
Work: 402.245.2338
Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging
The Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging acts as the firm official advocate for the Area’s older citizens with regard to their needs, problems, concerns, and issues; to identify and define the most pressing needs of the Area’s older citizens, and to develop, in cooperation with the appropriate Federal, State, and Local Agencies or Entities, effective plans to meet the Area’s identified needs on a continuing basis.
The number of members on the Governing Board of the Agency shall be fourteen (14). The number of representatives on the Governing Board of the Agency for each participating county shall be: Gage County, four (4) members; Jefferson County, three (3) members; Thayer County, two (2) members; Johnson County, one (1) member; Nemaha County, one (1) member; Pawnee County, one (1) member; Richardson County, one (1) member; and Otoe County, one (1) member. A portion of the representatives of the Governing Board shall be individuals aged sixty (60) and above. Each member county shall appoint one (1) member of its board, or a designee, with full authority to make commitments on its behalf and to represent its interests and the interests of its constituent older persons. The remaining appointees shall be made up of representatives of agencies and institutions serving the elderly, public officials, and interested citizens, except that no individual representing an agency receiving funds under any of the contract(s) by the agency may participate in any way in the deliberations affecting the funding of that contract. For more details, read the Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging Bylaws.
Board of Adjustment
The Governing Body shall appoint the Board of Adjustment which shall consist of five (5) regular members plus one (1) additional member designated as an alternate who shall attend and serve only when one of the regular members is unable to attend for any reason. Each member of the Board shall serve a term of three (3) years, unless reappointed, and shall be removable only for good and sufficient cause by the Governing Body upon written charges and after a public hearing. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Board of Adjustment Board Members
Neal Parsons
Falls City NE 68355
Alan Romine
Falls City NE 68355
Dennis Hullman
Falls City NE 68355
William Nussbaum
Falls City NE 68355
Rob Gerweck
Falls City NE 68355
John Caverzagie
Falls City NE 68355
The Board of Adjustment has the duties to hear and decide appeals regarding zoning ordinances, interpretation of any map, and authorize variances.
Through January – 3 Year Term
Board of Health
The Governing Body shall appoint a Board of Health which shall consist of four (4) members. The members of the Board shall include the Mayor, who shall serve as Chairperson, the President of the City Council, and two (2) other members. One member shall be a physician or health care provider, if one can be found who is willing to serve. Such physician or health care provider, if appointed, shall be the Board=s medical advisor. If the Mayor has appointed a Chief of Police, the Chief of Police shall serve on the Board as Secretary and quarantine officer. The members of the Board shall serve, without compensation, a one (1) year term of office, unless reappointed, and shall reorganize at the first meeting in December of each year. No member of the Board of Health shall hold more than (1) Board of Health position. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Board of Health Board Members
Falls City NE 68355
Gayle Keller, APRN
Falls City NE 68355
Council President
Falls City, NE 68355
Police Chief
Falls City NE 68355
Mike Dunn, City Attorney
Falls City NE 68355
The Board of Health enacts rules and regulations, and enforces such, to safeguard the health of the people of the city.
Through January – 1 Year Term
Includes Mayor, Council President, Police Chief and City Physician
Board of Park Commissioners
The Mayor, with the advice and consent of a majority of the Council, shall appoint the Board of Park Commissioners. The Board shall consist of five (5) members, who shall be resident freeholders in the Municipality. The members of the Board shall serve a three (3) year term of office unless reappointed. Two (2) members of the Board shall be appointed each year, except for every third (3rd) year, when one (1) member shall be appointed, at the first (1st) Council meeting in January. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Board of Park Commissioners
Sandy Schwarting
Falls City NE 68355
Mitch Merz
Falls City NE 68355
Nate Froeschl
Falls City NE 68355
Jeromie Brown
Falls City NE 68355
Denise Daake
Falls City NE 68355
The Park Board establishes the rules and regulations for the management, use and operation of the City Parks. They direct and supervise the City employees assigned to the Park system.
Through January – 3 Year Term
Board of Public Works
The Governing Body shall appoint the Board of Public Works. The Board shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than six (6) members who are residents of the Municipality. The members of the Board shall serve a four (4) year term of office, at a salary set by ordinance of the Governing Body. Each of the members shall be required to give a bond to the Municipality in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) and shall be conditioned on the faithful performance of the duties of their office; Provided, the premium on the said bond shall be paid out of a Municipal fund designated by the Governing Body. No member of the Board shall ever be financially interested in a contract entered into by the Board on behalf of the Municipality. The members of the Board shall be required to take an oath to faithfully perform the duties of their office before entering upon the discharge thereof. At the time of the Board's first (1) meeting in June of each year, the Board members shall organize by selecting from among their number a chairman and secretary. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the full and correct minutes and records of all meetings and to file the same with the Municipal Clerk where they shall be available for public inspection at any time. The minutes of each meeting shall be published in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality within thirty (30) days after it is held. The Board shall meet at such times as the Governing Body may designate. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Members of the Board of Public Works
Jerry Koopman
Falls City NE 68355
Ray Joy
Falls City NE 68355
Phil Froeschl
Falls City NE 68355
John Rieger
Falls City NE 68355
Aaron Johansen
Falls City NE 68355
Cemetery Board
The Mayor with the advice and consent of a majority of the Council shall appoint a Board of six members to be known as the Cemetery Board. The Board shall have the entire control and management of the Municipal Cemetery, any subsequent addition thereto, or any other Cemetery belonging to the Municipality. The members of the Board shall be selected from among the citizens at large who are bona fide residents of the Municipality; Provided, neither the Mayor nor any member of the Council shall be eligible to membership on the Board while holding the office of the Mayor or Council member. Two (2) members of the Board shall be appointed each year. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Cemetery Board Members
Jeff Goltz
Falls City, NE 68355
Bruce Merz
Falls City NE 68355
Marilyn Lock
Falls City NE 68355
Karla Capps
Falls City NE 68355
Dave Young
Falls City NE 68355
Karl Steele
Falls City NE 68355
The Cemetery Board employs the labor and purchases the equipment and materials to maintain, improve, and beautify the Cemetery.
Through January – 3 Year Term
Citizens Advisory
The Citizens Advisory Review Committee meets regularly to review the functioning and progress of the voter approved sales tax for economic development plan and expenditures for the benefit of the citizens and to advise the City Council of their recommendations.
Through July – 3 Year Term
Citizen Advisory Board Members
Mike Castle
Falls City NE 68355
John Nixon
Falls City NE 68355
Madeline Keller-Wilhelm
Falls City NE 68355
Bob Aitken
Falls City NE 68355
Rob Gerweck
Falls City NE 68355
Steve Simon
Falls City NE 68355
Eleanor Last
Falls City NE 68355
City Council
Mark Harkendorff
Falls City, NE 68355
Phone - 402-245-2851 Ext. 213
Email -
City Council
Don Ferguson (1st Ward)
523 East 24th St.
Falls City, NE 68355
Phone - 402-245-0339(c)
Email -
Amber Holle (1st Ward)
2319 Schoenheit Street
Falls City, NE 68355
Phone - 402-245-1045(c)
Email -
Joe Buckminster - (2nd Ward)
1803 Fulton Street
Falls City, NE 68355
Email -
Kaylie Ractliffe (2nd Ward)
2003 Harlan Street
Falls City, NE 68355
Email -
Shawn Fouraker (3rd Ward)
Falls City, NE 68355
Phone - 402-245-3512(h)
Email -
Carla Rhodd (3rd Ward)
827 East 16th Street
Falls City, NE 68355
Email -
Derrick Leyden (4th Ward)
701 East 14th Street
Falls City, NE 68355
Phone - 402-245-4062(h); 402-450-3824(c)
Email -
James Wisdom (4th Ward)
913 McLean St.
Falls City, NE 68355
Phone - 402-245-7115(c)
Email -
City Planning Commission
The City Planning Commission shall consist of seven (7) regular members who shall represent, insofar as is possible, the different professions or occupations in the Municipality and shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the approval of a majority vote of the members elected to the City Council. Two (2) of the regular members may be residents of the area over which the Municipality is authorized to exercise extraterritorial zoning and subdivision regulation. When there is a sufficient number of residents in the area over which the Municipality exercises extraterritorial zoning and subdivision regulation, one (1) regular member of the Commission shall be a resident from such area. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
City Planning Commission Members
Les Baker
Falls City NE 68355
Larry Munn
Falls City NE 68355
Fred Brewer
Falls City NE 68355
Sarah Morris
Falls City NE 68355
Lillian Cromer
Falls City NE 68355
Lee Kurpgeweit
Falls City NE 68355
John Caverzagie
Falls City NE 68355
The Planning and Zoning Commission makes and adopts plans for the physical development of the city.
Through July – 3 Year Term
Community Redevelopment Authority of the City of Falls City
The Community Redevelopment Authority of the City of Falls City shall have all the powers set forth in the Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 18-2101 through 18-2154 and any additional powers granted by the legislature of the State of Nebraska from time to time for community redevelopment authorities. The affairs of the Community Redevelopment Authority of the City of Falls City shall be administered by the members of the authority appointed by the Mayor of the City of Falls City and approved by the City Council. The terms of office the members of the five member authority initially appointed shall be for one year, two years, three years, four years, and five years, as designated by the Mayor. As the terms of the members of the authority expire, the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council of the city, shall appoint or reappoint a member of the authority for a term of five years to succeed the member whose term expires. (4) The Community Redevelopment of the City of Falls City, at its organizational meeting each year, shall elect a chairman, vice chairman and shall have the power to employ council and a director and such other officers and employees as may be desired. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Community Redevelopment Authority Committee Members
Brian Poppe
Falls City NE 68355
Kevin Malone
Falls City NE 68355
Trent Scheitel
Falls City NE 68355
Rod Rowland
Falls City NE 68355
Adam Morris
Falls City NE 68355
Economic Development Board
The City Council may: (a)contract with the Economic Development and Growth Enterprise, Inc. for an economic development program for the City of Falls City, and (b) fund the Economic Development and Growth Enterprise, Inc. as agreed from time to time, and (c) at the first meeting in December of each year the Governing Body shall appoint the Council President and the Mayor to serve as voting members on the Board of Directors of the Economic Development and Growth Enterprise, Inc. and shall appoint the City Administrator as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors of the Economic Development and Growth Enterprise, Inc. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Housing Agency
The Southeast Nebraska Housing Partnership (SNHP) operates two outstanding affordable housing facilities within Falls City; Pioneer Plaza Apartments and East View Apartments. SNHP adopts and administers fair and equitable policies in establishing a plan for selection of housing applicants. For any additional information or to apply for housing, please contact the SNHP office at 402.245.4204 or visit their website at
Valerie Buckminster - Executive Director
Southeast Nebraska Housing Partnership
800 East 21st Street, OFC
Falls City NE 68355
The first Housing Agencies were established from the United States Housing Act of 1937. Since then Housing Agencies have been established in nearly every county of the state. Housing Agencies manage housing programs and a variety of other housing assistance programs for low to moderate income families, elderly persons, disabled persons and other members of their community.
In November 2020, Falls City adopted a joint resolution in conjunction with the City of Pawnee City to create the Southeast Nebraska Housing Partnership (SNHP). The agency's headquarters are located at 800 East 21st Street, Falls City, NE 68355. Thru this partnership, Falls City appoints a total of three commissioners to SNHP's Board of Commissioners, including two at large and one resident commissioner. Commissioner’s responsibilities are the governance of the housing agency, the oversight responsibilities, fiduciary obligations and financial viability. Commissioners are charged with ensuring fairness in the administration of housing policies, attracting adequate resources, balancing the demands of conflicting community groups, and winning public support. For more information on becoming a commissioner you can reference the SNHP's Board of Commissioners Handbook here. The current appointed commissioners for the City of Falls City are as follows:
Marilyn Capps - Commissioner
Falls City NE 68355
Amber Holle - Commissioner
Falls City NE 68355
Darlene Mertens - Resident Commissioner
Falls City NE 68355
The City of Falls City operates in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law. It is illegal to discriminate again any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale or rental of housing or residential lots, in advertising the sale or rental of housing, in the financing of housing, in the provision of real estate brokerage services, and in the appraisal of housing. Block busting is also illegal.
Anyone who feels he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint of housing discrimination by calling 1-800-669-9777 (Toll Free) or 1-800-927-9275 (TTY). Written complaints can also be submitted to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Washington, D.C. 20410.
Housing Board
There is hereby created a Housing Board for the City of Falls City. The Mayor, with the consent of the council, shall appoint the Housing Board. The Board shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be residents of the municipality. One member shall be a member of the Economic Development Board and shall serve a two (2) year term. The remaining six (6) members shall be selected at large with three (3) of the initial members serving a one (1) year term and three (3) of the initial members serving a two (2) year term. Thereafter all terms shall be for two (2) years. Members may be reappointed. At the time of the Board's first meeting each year, the Board shall organize, by electing from its membership, a chairman and secretary. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Housing Board Members
Calvin Buck
Falls City NE 68355
Mike Dougherty
Falls City NE 68355
Jack Bangert
Falls City NE 68355
Steve Hutfles
Falls City NE 68355
Doug Waller
Falls City NE 68355
Ed Harris
Falls City NE 68355
Karla Capps
Falls City NE 68355
The Housing Board shall address housing issues throughout the community, including but not limited to, soliciting and working with developers and builders; providing reference and information on housing rehabilitation programs; serve as City liaison with the Falls City Affordable Housing Council, inc. and act as a housing advocate for Falls City with state and federal agencies.
Through July – 5 Year Term
Includes Economic Development Board Member – Representative Member
The City of Falls City operates in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law. It is illegal to discriminate again any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale or rental of housing or residential lots, in advertising the sale or rental of housing, in the financing of housing, in the provision of real estate brokerage services, and in the appraisal of housing. Block busting is also illegal.
Anyone who feels he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint of housing discrimination by calling 1-800-669-9777 (Toll Free) or 1-800-927-9275 (TTY). Written complaints can also be submitted to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Washington, D.C. 20410.
Library Board
The Library Board shall consist of five (5) appointed members who shall be residents of the Municipality and who shall serve terms of five (5) years. The Governing Body shall appoint the members of the Library Board by a majority vote. Neither the Mayor nor any member of the Governing Body shall be a member of the Library Board. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Library Board Members
Shirley Allgood
Falls City NE 68355
Tim Heckenlively
Falls City NE 68355
Deb Harris
Falls City NE 68355
Chris Caudle
Falls City NE 68355
Kim Oliver
Falls City NE 68355
The Library Board has the authority to appoint and supervise all employees of the City Library. They establish the rules and regulations for the management, operation and use of the Library.
Through June – 5 Year Term (2 consecutive terms maximum)
Police & Fire Employment Selection Board
The Police & Fire Employment Selection Board shall consist of four (4) regular members as follows: City Administrator; two (2) citizens of Falls City; and a Police Officer or Fire chief as herein provided. In filling a vacancy for a Police Officer, the remaining Board member shall consist of the Chief of Police or in the absence of the Chief of Police then such Police Officer as designated by the Mayor. In filling a vacancy for a Fire Truck Driver the remaining Board member shall consist of the Fire Chief or in the absence of the Fire Chief then such Assistant Fire Chief as designated by the Mayor. The two (2) citizens of Falls City shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the approval and majority vote of the members of the City Council. The term for each citizen shall be four (4) years, except that one member of the first Board shall serve for a term of two (2) years. All citizen members shall hold office until their successors are appointed. All citizen members vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of their term, shall be filled for the unexpired portion of their term by the Mayor, by and with the approval and majority vote of the City Council. Read more on the Municipal Boards: Falls City Code.
Police & Fire Employment Selection Board Members
City Clerk (permanent)
2307 Barada Street
Falls City NE 68355
Work: 402.245.2707
John Nixon
Falls City NE 68355
Police Chief or Fire Chief (permanent)
2307 Barada Street
Falls City NE 68355
Police: 402.245.4422
Fire: 402.245.3555
Steve Hoffman
Falls City NE 68355
The Police & Fire Employment Selection Board has the duty to advertise for and review applicants, give tests, interview, evaluate and give recommendation to the City concerning employees of the Police and Fire Departments.
Through January – 4 Year Term
Southeast Nebraska Land Bank
The Southeast Nebraska Land Bank is the state's first non-metro/regional land bank and owns several properties ready for redevelopment. These properties present unique opportunities for developers to take an active role in community revitalization for a fraction of private-market acquisition costs. By purchasing and developing these properties, you can be at the forefront of transforming our neighborhoods, making them a vibrant and thriving place to call home for future residents.
Information on the Southeast Nebraska Land Bank can be found here.
Tree Board
Tree Board Members
Lucinda Rieschick
Falls City NE 68355
Marsha Roland
Falls City NE 68355
Anna Thompson
Falls City NE 68355
Carol Bentley
Falls City NE 68355
Gracie Deckinger
Falls City NE 68355
The Tree Board has the duty to establish and enforce the species and to regulate the placement of trees within the City.
Through July – 2 Year Term