Seniors Head to Falls City’s Senior Center for Lunch and Fun Activities
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
The Falls City Senior Center is a popular destination for area residents. It’s a community within a community – a place where seniors can connect with old friends and make new ones. With Linda Hardenberger serving as the director, there are always fun activities on the calendar and nutritious meals for seniors and area residents to enjoy.
The Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging runs the Center and follows strict nutritional guidelines to ensure that lunches are healthy and meet a full third of seniors daily caloric intake. A typical meal will include a protein, starch, vegetables and desert or fruit. In addition to being healthy, the meals are also delicious, so much so that non-seniors are welcome to stop by and share a meal for a suggested price of $6. All Falls City residents are invited to eat lunch at the Center and should try to call a day ahead to let management know they will be eating lunch. This is an affordable nutritious meal and gives residents the opportunity to visit with local seniors. For those who are 60+, the suggested meal price is only $4, but Falls City Senior Center serves meals at no cost to seniors with limited financial means. The ability to receive meals and services at no cost creates an important support system for area seniors whose fixed income may be too tight to afford them otherwise.
When seniors are unable to make it to the Center, due to illness or being confined to their home, these nutritious meals can be delivered. Volunteers deliver meals throughout Falls City, making sure that seniors have the nutritional support they need, regardless of their health or mobility.
Seniors who wish to learn more about cooking nutritional meals or eating with a health condition like diabetes or heart disease, benefit from courses offered by Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging. The organization teaches courses on healthy eating at the Center, giving seniors information they need to keep in good health.
Daily fun activities at the Falls City Senior Center
Daily, seniors can enjoy a game of cards and relax with friends before and after lunch. In addition, there are new activities every day. These include:
- Celebrating holidays, large and small
- Word searches
- Planting flowers
- Live music
- Puzzles
- Entertainment, including a ventriloquist
- Silly days like “Goof Off Day”
- Health-related activities, including a blood pressure clinic
Some of the fun activities are as spontaneous as a group of friends playing games while others are planned far in advance and involve bringing in outside entertainment. The goal is to create an atmosphere that is enjoyable for seniors, while being diverse enough to stay interesting – and it always is!
Seniors can relax in the Center’s fireplace lounge
After enjoying a game of cards, word search or entertainment, seniors can unwind and relax in the fireplace lounge – a comfortable corner with couches, a television and fireplace. When Falls City broadcasts local ballgames, they are played in the lounge so that seniors can stay up-to-date with area happenings and enjoy popcorn and drinks with their friends.
All are welcome to visit the Falls City Senior Center
The Center is a home away from home for many of our area seniors. We invite community members who have yet to visit the Center to stop by. Seniors are welcome to visit the center for a meal and some fun, Monday through Friday year-round.
For more information on the Falls City Senior Center, visit Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging.
Falls City Senior Center:
221 West 16th Street
Falls City, Nebraska
Category: (none)