Falls City, NE Launches Redesigned Website
Friday, May 15, 2020
FALLS CITY, NE-- Falls City, NE recently launched a redesigned website to further strengthen its online presence, and create a tool that depicts all the great amenities that Falls City has to offer.
“We are excited to launch this new website that has a fresh look that will make navigating much more efficient,’” said Gary Jorn, City Administrator..
The website features things such as meetings, the community, services, utilities, form, tourism/recreation, bill payment and employment. One big improvement was in making sure that there is easy access to the city council agenda, minutes, and the many forms available to download.
Falls City selected Golden Shovel Agency to redesign the website. The national economic development communications firm is recognized for its award-winning design and expertise in business and workforce attraction.
“Golden Shovel Agency is the industry leader in economic development websites and marketing. We were always in contact- they hosted meetings to take input about what we wanted and sent us several websites to review,” said Gary.
“Working with Gary and his team on this redesign project has been a great experience. The customized online portal really highlights the community’s assets and demonstrates its economic growth potential,” said Aaron Brossoit, CEO of Golden Shovel.
View the redesigned website at www.fallscitynebraska.org.
About Falls City
Falls City is in a prime location. Strategically placed at the center of America’s heartland, three major metropolitan areas are less than two hours away: Kansas City, MI, Topeka, KS, and Omaha & Lincoln, NE.
About Golden Shovel Agency
Golden Shovel Agency is a Minnesota-based, full-service marketing agency specializing in groundbreaking economic development communications. The Economic Gateway Web System includes an expandable and on-demand content management system (CMS) and a robust social media implementation strategy.
Information: http://goldenshovelagency.com
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