Article 5. Plumbing Code

Article 5. Plumbing Code

§9-501  PLUMBING CODE: ADOPTED BY REFERENCE.  To provide certain minimum standards, provisions, and requirements for the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of plumbing systems, the Uniform Plumbing Code, 2009 Edition, as published by the International Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, in book form, is hereby incorporated by reference in addition to all appendixes as though printed in full herein except that the following sections of which are hereby revised; Section 103.4 Delete in entirety. Permit fees shall be governed by the provisions set out in Chapter 3, Article 10 of the Falls City Municipal Code. Section 103.4.5.  Delete: Section and  Section 102.3.2 Delete in entirety and Penalties shall be per the Penalty Provisions of this Chapter of the Falls City Municipal Code. Section 102.2.3 Penalties shall be per the Penalty Provision of this Chapter of the Falls City Municipal Code. One (1) copy of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 2009 Edition, is on file at the office of Municipal Clerk and is available for public inspection at any reasonable time. (Ref. 17-1001, 18-132, 19-902, 19-922 RS Neb.)(Amended: Ord. #2002-104; Ord. #2008-105; Ord. #2011-106)

§9-502   PLUMBING CODE; PLUMBING INSPECTOR.  All plumbing for which permits have been issued shall be inspected by the City Plumbing Inspector or his duly authorized agent.  The Building Inspector shall be designated City Plumbing Inspector unless the Mayor and Council shall appoint a separate Plumbing Inspector.  All work installed shall be tested in the rough with a water test, but in cases when rough inspection is not feasible within thirty-six (36) hours after notice is received, the Plumbing Inspector shall notify the plumber to proceed with the work.  Application and inspection cards will be furnished on request.  All permits shall be kept on file and be accessible to the Plumbing Inspector at all times.

§9-503    PLUMBING CODE; RIGHT OF ENTRY.  The Plumbing Inspector, or any agent duly authorized by him, shall have the right to enter upon any premise containing plumbing or drains, at any reasonable hour, to ascertain whether the provisions of this Article have been or are being complied with.  The Municipal Plumbing Inspector, or his agent, shall, when entering private premises, have on his person his badge of authority and shall produce the same at the request of the occupant or owner of any premise.  If entry is denied, the Plumbing Inspector may seek an administrative search warrant to gain entry to the premises.

§9-504    PLUMBING CODE; ENFORCEMENT.  The Plumbing Inspector shall enforce properly this code, investigate any information he may receive of its violation, and proceed promptly with the prosecution of any person guilty of violation of any of the provisions hereof.