Celebrating National Night Out
Monday, December 04, 2017
We have a dedicated police force in Falls City. National Night Out is a way to bring people together with our police force to fight crime and build a stronger community. This is the second annual National Night Out in Falls City and was put on by local police and the Nebraska State Patrol, along with firefighters, ambulance, emergency management, Nebraska State Fire Marshal, Lifenet Helicopter, the Nebraska National Guard. All were out with demonstrations and presentations for the community, creating a fun and relaxed environment for community members to connect with those in public service positions.
Even the kids had fun at the event with free swimming and hot dogs enjoyed by all. Bringing these agencies together is part of what makes the event so unique and so much fun. If you missed it, read more about the event and join us next year. This annual event is held on the first Tuesday of August.
Category: Events